Friday, May 29, 2015

Artist Statement

     In Art, I have goals. I might not want to be the next Van Gogh, but I would like to show my craftsmanship in my pieces. One of my goals is simple, yet drives me in class. I want to do the best I possibly can do in any piece I work on. My definition of art is right up that alley. To me, art is an expression of yourself in many different forms. Art could be a clay pot or a beautiful piece of music. Art to me is one way I can show people how I feel. One thing that majorly influenced my art was sports. In many of my pieces, like the identity molds, I have athletics incorporated into them. I often create my pieces because of sports. I either want to express my feelings or if I don't create things, I could miss out on my sports.

    In my projects, I often make my decisions by using my brain to think of a solution to whatever problems I have or I ask for help or advice from someone else. Before my projects, I often visualize what I want the final project to look like, then think of a way to achieve the desired product. Like if I had a piece of clay, before I even touched the clay I would think about what size I want the clay to be and in what shape. I also think about where in the piece should the point of emphasis be and what color the piece needs to be. Also, if the piece wasn't balanced I wouldn't have felt good with the piece so I often thought about that before. That's one reason why I believe that I have been more successful and felt more a connection to 3D art. In 2D art, I often just went with the first thing that came to mind; in 3D art, I have thought through everything before I started a project.

   Like I started to say in my last paragraph, I have definitely grown between 2D and 3D art. At the beginning of 2D art, I struggled with my work. My work was sloppy and very bad. Now in 3D art, my work is much improved. My pieces have become much closer to how I wanted them to look. One of the challenging parts of being an artist is accepting that my work will not be perfect. I often try to fix a mistake of mine, and end up making it worse. I felt that most of my works this year were successful. I feel my most successful project this year was my identity mold project. In the piece I made a clay football out of a mold that I made. After I made the football, a couple of friends and I thought of the idea to put our projects together( they were all sports pieces) on a stand with our school's logo. The project turned into a success after some trial and error.
If one artist influenced me this year, it was Banksy. I found his art to be very cool. I loved the way that is art is for everyone and not to make money or become famous. I strive to be like him in life, different.

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